Hi 👋 my name is Pratik Wadhai
I'm the Frontend Developer.

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I am a proficient software developer with expertise in C++ and front-end development using React.js. My skills encompass web application design and SQL databases. With a strong foundation in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SQL, I am adept at creating dynamic and responsive web applications.

Want to learn more about my skills and experience? Check out my portfolio and see my work in action.

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Boat E-commerce Web App

- Great UI/UIX
- Create Read Delete Update Products in Cart
- Carousel for products
- Build in NExt.js and TailwindCSS
- Deployed on Vercel

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Social Media App

- Photo Sharing App like Pinterest
- Google Login Authentication
- Add Delete Post Like Comment Share Photos
- Categories for Different Photos
- Build in NExt.js and TailwindCSS
- Deployed on Netlify

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Let's work together! Contact me to discuss your project needs and how I can help.

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